Celtic Knotwork Design Books
Celtic Art Pattern Books & Clip ArtCeltic Design Blank Books (unlined)Celtic Design Blank Books (lined)About these Celtic Art BooksAbout the Artist

    Celtic Art & Retro-Futuristic Design  > Celtic Art Books

Beautifully designed and illustrated books decorated with Celtic art borders - from lined and unlined blank books to a collection of border parts in sections that you can use to lay out Celtic knotwork borders and frames for projects of your own.

The blank books, with their Celtic borders and ornate title pages, make wonderful sketchbooksCeltic Knotwork Borders in Repeating Sections and journals - and the book of Celtic knotwork patterns gives you a set of resources you can use in your own artwork.

Volume 1 - now available
Celtic Knotwork Borders in Repeating Sections
Celtic Knotwork Borders in Repeating Sections


· Paperback: 104 pages
· Binding: Wire-O
· Published: February 07

Learn more about the books, or find out who the artist is.




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copyright Bradley W. Schenck, 2008